Sunday, October 16, 2011


Heat. mat. deem lights. candle smell. quiet voice. music...
Heat. mat. strong body. graceful movement. quiet mind. dance...
Heat. mat. meditation. muscle control. relaxation...
Yoga is the most fascinating art of understanding yourself, of letting go, of controlling your body.
My first yoga practice was three years ago, little did I know.
Today yoga is my drug, my dedication, my knowledge, my world.
I learned a lot on my mat. I learned not to judge, not to compete, be still, be open minded, be appreciating.
My practice became graceful not only as a physical aspect, but also as my mind became gracefully still.
Graceful mind. Strong body.


  1. Wow! this is very impressive, I wish I could do much simpler asanas as gracefully :)

  2. Beautiful photograph - so graceful and accomplished! Happy find! Jay

  3. After all the yoga talk on forum I'm starting to consider trying it out! I'm a karateka my self so it shouldn't be so hard to start me think... I mean basic yoga off course :)
